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Writer's picture: Anthony CordoAnthony Cordo

Mistakes are our greatest moments. You might be saying, what is he talking about? Well, hold on for a minute, stay with me and hear me out. I’m not going to say that mistakes don’t hurt at the time, but none the less they are our greatest moments for learning and learning is obviously necessary to achieve consistent results and advancements in any endeavor that you are applying yourself to and in this case I am going to assume that what you are applying yourself toward is the production of Cannabis and even if your goal is not to produce Cannabis we can still learn things about ourselves and achieve advancements in those fields, so stick around.

I’ll start with strain selection, the choice of a strain to produce, be it a Sativa or an Indica or a percentage hybridized cross. One of the biggest mistakes you as a grower can make is the choice of an ill suited strain for your parameters. A common error in this category is choosing a strain that is not suitable for your area, environment, production volume desires etc. It is tempting to choose a strain by what you have heard about its potency or that it was the winner in a yearly competition and let that be the single criteria in the decision. Learn from this mistake and realize it doesn’t have to be your mistake that you can learn by. It can be another’s, ah hmm, like mine.

Let’s take a look at factors, for example: if you are attempting to produce in an area where early rains proceed the harvest season, you chose to grow outdoors, the strain you chose has a longer maturation time than some others and you didn’t take into consideration the early rains that visit this area at the harvest season, you will most likely end up with mold, fungus, bacteria or possible virus susceptibilities to the plants due to the lowered resistance related to these problems that inundate your flowers just before harvest, disaster. Contrary to this above scenario, you took into account the variables such as having forethought about the early rains in the above situation. You selected a strain that was suitable to the area of operation though maybe not as touted but still a solid strain of good history and you worked on your skills as a grower to bring out the full potential and yield of the strain that was correctly selected.

Thus, through intelligent strain selection and solid growing practices that you will learn on this site if you frequent us often enough like multiple times a day, success. I know it is tempting to want to produce the strains that are the winners of this years competitions without any other selection criteria, and don’t get me wrong, if your production method is similar to how the submitted entrant was produced, it is a good choice. But do not be an amateur, select a strain based upon careful thought of the type of grow method intended, your area of operation and style of cultivation and become a GroPro. Choose strains not by brand name but by breeder history and select strains by content and inherent traits not by colorful names and you to can utilize skill and knowledge to produce high quality Cannabis that looks, smells and tastes fantastic by making your and our mistakes your greatest moments and learn to achieve your greatest results because we want to help you to achieve, and as we teach, we learn, so synergy is taking place, magnificent! See you soon.

GroPro Guys


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